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Summer Survival Tips

Hi everyone, some of you have put your session on hold until September due to holidays and stuff. Others are continuing through the summer. Whichever you are, I wanted to offer you some advice for maintaining a healthy weight this summer, unlike Christmas, which is a short period. Summer is at least eight weeks, a few more if you think about the end of June and the beginning of September. Going all out sounds like fun but can set you back from your goal of losing weight.

I’m not saying be boring all summer, but I suggest if you know you have a weekend with friends or a big BBQ and you want to eat everything and drink, plan for it. Shave a few things off during the week, add some extra steps to your program and enjoy life. In the end, it’s energy in and energy out.

Want to meet the girls for a glass of wine? Suggest you walk first and then hit a local outdoor patio for one drink. This way, you enjoy your friends while not drinking too many calories and indulging in deep-fried appetizers.

I use My Fitnesspal to track my food intake for many reasons. I want to know I am eating enough to sustain my active lifestyle and that I am not overeating. If you try this method, and your goal is weight loss.

My Fitnesspal, will probably tell you to eat 1200 calories a day. Ignore this, it’s dangerous, and you will be starving. Set it for around 1700 calories a day, then add some exercise. This should maintain your current weight.

Now is the best time to indulge in great veggies. I am roasting everything in my new air fryer, and it’s delicious. The price for vegetables is low at Farmers Markets, and Farmboy enjoy it. Save any leftover veggies for rice bowls the next day.

I’ve noticed that food prices have gone up, but not on locally grown stuff. For my canned and or frozen goods, I shop at Costco. Save money by buying in bulk and avoiding packaged food. Finally, people have stopped asking me if it’s expensive to be a vegan, thanks to the price of beef. If you are buying meat, try buying in bulk or shop sales. My partner, a big man in the trades, finds a Costco chicken breast almost too much.

Here’s a wonderful stirfry sauce recipe. I use it for chicken, shrimp or tofu stirfry.

In September, we will spend some time reviewing your goals and ensuring we are on track for the fall.

So enjoy your summer (not too much) and think about how I can help you meet your goals come September.

Much Love


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